Sommario, p. 1
Premessa. Una grande parabola dal passato al futuro, di Paolo Fabrizio Iacuzzi p. 3
Piero Bigongiari. Due traduzioni e due poesie inedite (1935-1985), a cura di Paolo Fabrizio Iacuzzi p. 6
Piero Bigongiari in francese, di André Ughetto p. 11
The French literary circles consider Bigongiari a great poet, but he’s not known enough by the readers according to the importance of his work. Not out of ignorance Bigongiari has been forgotten but because of his complexity, his experimental character.
«Quasi una forma di epigrafia». Quattro lettere sulla traduzione di Les Remparts de Pistoia, a cura di Paolo Fabrizio Jacuzzi p. 14
Bigongiari italo-francese. Intervista a Enza Biagini, a cura di Ilaria Tagliaferri p. 17
The difference between the Bigongiari translations in French: Fongaro is a classic translator and takes in great consideration the meaning, while Ughetto and Jaccottet are poets and their effort is to express and rewrite Bigongiari by their own rhythms. In the universe created by Bigongiari there is a continuous exchange of cultural richness between him and the French poets.
Parole in coincidenza. Tradurre in versione ‘biologica’, di Dominique Sorrente p. 23
The translation workshop “I mattutini” has been a crucial space for experiencing the risk of the foreign word and also an important application of the “correspondence”, a key word for the Scriptorium movement. Working in groups of two or more nations in the presence of the author can be an interesting process with the possibility to question the poem in its details.
La differenza fra prendere e capire, di Olivier Bastide p. 27
Poetic translation can’t be just literal, it has to be literary to communicate a certain equivalence to the original. It’s important to think about the difference between taking and understanding. Translating is understanding rather than taking.
Esercizi nell’umorismo e nell’amicizia, di Angèle Paoli p. 30
Between friendship and humour the exercizes of the Pistoia’s workshop made possible to find out the secret meaning of the text and to follow the poet in the twists and turns of his sensibility.
Una strana gioia di tradurre, di André Ughetto p. 33
Working in couples is a satisfying activity for a translator. The lesson learnt from Jaccottet’s work on Bigongiari.
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Sguardi dalla Comba. (Appunti su Écart di Jacques Dupin), di Gilberto Isella p. 37
Lettere sulla Post-poesia, di Dieter M. Gräf - Alessandro De Francesco, con una riflessione di Jean-Marie Gleize p. 42
Inediti tedeschi
Dieter M. Gräf, traduzione di Alessandro De Francesco e Angela Sanmann p. 50
Inediti cechi e slovacchi
Mila Haugová e Jirina Hauchová, di Libuše Heczková p. 54
Inediti statunitensi
Anamorfosi e trompe-oeil. Un’introduzione alla poesia di Mary Jo Salter, di Mariacristina Natalia Bertoli p. 59
Inediti italiani
Rosaria Lo Russo p. 72